Ο γενέθλιος χάρτης για τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής που παρουσιάζω σήμερα δεν είναι κοινά αποδεκτός απο όλους τους Αμερικάνους αστρολόγους. Υπάρχουν ίσως πάνω απο δέκα προτεινόμενοι χάρτες για τη "γέννηση" των Η.Π.Α. Ωστόσο και μετά το τρομοκρατικό χτύπημα της 11ης Σεπτεμβρίου ο γνωστός, σε όσους τουλάχιστον ασχολούνται με την πολιτική αστρολογία, "χάρτης του Sibly" κέρδισε πάρα πολλούς "πόντους αναγνώρισης" δείχνοντας ότι ανταποκρίνεται καλύτερα απο οποιονδήποτε άλλο σε ένα τόσο μεγάλης σημασίας γεγονός, αφού την ημέρα του "χτυπήματος" ο Πλούτωνας απο διέλευση βρισκόταν ακριβώς πάνω στον Ωροσκόπο του χάρτη ενώ ταυτόχονα ο διελ. Άρης τετραγώνιζε το Μεσουράνημα του ( δες τα σχετικά άρθρα του Robert Hand και της Liz Greene παρακάτω )
Δεντρικές κατανομές μεσοδιαστημάτων στον γενέθλιο χάρτη των Η.Π.Α
Midpoint trees in the U.S.A's natal chart.
Η άποψη της Liz Greene για τον χάρτη των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών

The terrorist attack on USA by Liz Greene ...
Η άποψη του Robert Hand για τον χάρτη των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών ( το συγκεκριμένο άρθρο δημοσιεύτηκε την 6η Δεκεμβρίου του 2001 στo τότε Forum της Astrodatabank )
πηγή : http://forum.astro.com/cgi/forum.cgi?num=1000037572/100
Τhe natal chart of the United States of America ( Ebenezer Sibly chart)
Δεντρικές κατανομές μεσοδιαστημάτων στον γενέθλιο χάρτη των Η.Π.Α
Midpoint trees in the U.S.A's natal chart.
Η άποψη της Liz Greene για τον χάρτη των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών

The terrorist attack on USA by Liz Greene ...
Η άποψη του Robert Hand για τον χάρτη των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών ( το συγκεκριμένο άρθρο δημοσιεύτηκε την 6η Δεκεμβρίου του 2001 στo τότε Forum της Astrodatabank )
The World Trade Center Attacks and the U.S. Chart
by Robert Hand
Most people who have looked at astrology even in the most casual way know that according to astrology, everyone has a birth chart. This is a chart that shows schematically where all of the planets are in the zodiac and how they are related to the place of the birth at the time of birth. For the most part astrologers agree that the time of birth is the moment when the newborn draws his or her first breath. Some of the older astrologers give a somewhat different definition stating that the birth moment occurred when the baby was halfway out of the womb. Whatever the truth may be, the moment of birth for a human being is fairly well agreed upon. What many people do not know is that not only people have birth charts but so do nations. This is also generally agreed upon by astrologers. However, nations are more difficult subjects than individuals for astrology. Some nations have no clear birth moment and some have several possible birth moments. For example, when did France come into being? It emerged gradually in the early Middle Ages but no one can say for certain what was the date before which there was no France and after which there was. Some nations have come into being at definite moments. For example, prior to 1870 or thereabouts Germany did not exist as a nation. Instead there was a patchwork of little kingdoms, duchies, free cities, and other principalities. After the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, Wilhelm I was crowned Emperor, or Kaiser, of Germany. This would presumably give us the birth moment of Germany. The only problem is that there were several other events at about that time which could also be used to define a birth moment. The U.S. should be a clear-cut case. Our nation was created more or less intentionally and it seems that it should have come into being at a definite moment. But even with the U.S. there is much dispute. When did our nation come into being? Was it the at beginning of the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, the adoption of the Articles of Confederation, the adoption of the Constitution, or the beginning of constitutional government. Nations are not like individuals. A human is born at a given moment. Nations may come into existence in stages. Let's look quickly at these possibilities. We can eliminate the beginning of the Revolutionary War as the moment because for about a year after the war began in 1775 most of those fighting against Britain were fighting more for a new and reformed relationship with the mother country than for complete separation. It was not until the summer of 1776 that the delegates to the Second Continental Congress began to think that a complete separation was in order. On July 2, 1776 some time in the afternoon the Congress passed the following resolution: "Resolved, that these United Colonies are, and, of right ought to be, Free and Independent States: that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connexion between them, and the state of Great Britain, is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." [1]
On July 4, 1776 at some time during the day the Declaration was formally adopted and sent to press. July 2 or 4 are clearly the dates of the beginning of the statutory independence of the colonies from Britain at least from the American point of view. However, was it a nation at this point or a group of independent colonies? Later dates that are of interest are the changing of the name United Colonies to United States which occurred on Sept. 9, 1776, and the adoption of the Articles of Conferation which formally made the colonies a single nation. This occurred on Nov. 15, 1777. Then there is the little matter of were we really independent before the British surrendered at Yorktown, and so on it goes. It is beyond the scope of this article, but there seems to have been a general awareness even at the time that the events of July 1776 marked the end one of state of affairs and the beginning of another, and that the new entity evolved continuously into the United States of America. And there is the fact that Americans have always celebrated July 4 as Independence Day.
This tends to eliminate July 2 as the day in question even though at the time John Adams, in a letter that he wrote to his wife, Abigail Adams, thought that the 2 was the day that would be celebrated .This leaves us with the question of what time of day on July 4th. And this has long been a subject of conflict. But some progress has been made. Thanks to Howland's book [2] we now know for certain that Congress had not adopted the declaration as of 9:00 AM July 4, 1776. This eliminates at a stroke a popular but extremely unlikely chart for somewhere around 2:17 AM July 4. The Transcript from the Journals Of The Continental Congress clearly show that the debate on the Declaration was the second item listed in the minutes. So we are left with some time on July 4, 1776 between the late morning and dinner time. [3] Without going further into the merits of the various charts, one group of charts stands out in light of the events of Sept. 11, 2001. That is a group of charts for a bit after 5:00 PM. For the purposes of this article, I am going to use 5:10 pm cast for Philadelphia. What makes this time so interesting is that over the last year or so a number of us have been saying that among all of the charts for the U.S. if something spectacular and difficult should happen to the U.S. between early August 2001 and November 2001, then this particular chart would be strongly confirmed. Well, it has and the 5:10 PM chart is strongly supported by what has happened.
The Saturn Pluto Opposition of 2001- 2002
Every 30 years or so Saturn and Pluto come together in a single degree of the zodiac. This is called a conjunction. About 15-19 years after this conjunction the two planets come to opposite degrees of the zodiac. This is called an opposition. This is a difficult combination in that it indicates shortages, hard times, and a need for greatly increased toughness on the part of all those who experience it. In the 20th century all of the Saturn-Pluto combinations whether by conjunction, square (a 90 degree angle between the two planets) or opposition have coincided with wars of varying severity, economic down turns and, since the Second World War, with periods of peak instability in the Middle East. This year and next there have been and will be three oppositions of Saturn and Pluto. The first of these was on August 5, the second on Nov. 2, and the third will be on May 26, 2002. The first two of these are the most significant for us because the first of these occurred with Pluto at 12 degrees and 38 minutes of Sagittarius and Saturn exactly opposite at 12 degrees and 38 minutes of Gemini. The rising position of the zodiac at 5:10 PM on July 4, 1776 was 12 degrees and 13 minutes (give or take a few minutes) of Sagittarius. This unambiguously singles out the U.S. as being a nation that would experience the effects of the opposition very strongly. The second opposition is not very far away from the first at 13 degrees and 49 minutes of Sagittarius and Gemini. The May 2002 opposition is quite a bit further away from the rising degree of the 5:10 PM chart at 16 degrees and 35 minutes of Sagittarius and Gemini. If the 5:10 PM chart is correct then it suggests that the most difficult parts of the anti-terrorist war will be over after November, but because Saturn continues to move over the setting degree of the chart it will still not be easy.
Why is all of this appropriate? Because the rising degree of a nation's chart is said to describe events that happen to the people, not so much to the government. While the Pentagon, a government building was hit on Sept. 11, the greatest damage was inflicted on people who had little to do with the federal government, the people in the World Trade Center in New York and on the planes that were hijacked. In fact it is believed that several planes were targeted to crash into buildings in Washington DC including the White House and the Capitol, United Airlines flight 93 from Newark and two other later planes from Newark. Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, and the other two were ordered to land before anything could be done with them. As a result most of the havoc was wrought on members of the general public. It is also on the people that there has been the strongest effect. Whatever may happen between now and the end of this struggle, it is clear that Sept, 11, 2001 is a clear boundary line in the history of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Some have even called it the real end of the 20th century. Now let us look at some of the other combinations. There has been some dispute about the exact time of the first plane's hitting the World Trade Center with times ranging from 8:45 to 8:48 AM. Fortunately this is not enough time to make much of a difference in the rising degree, but I am going to go with 8:46 AM which is the time, according to CNN, that the first plane disappeared from the radar screen. The chart for this time is quite interesting. The rising degree at the World Trade Center was 14 degrees of Libra and 21 minutes. Mercury at the same time was at 14 degrees of Libra and 18 minutes, putting it exactly on the rising degree. Saturn on Sept. 11, 2001 was at 14 degrees and 40 minutes of Gemini putting it at very close to 120 degrees from Mercury and the rising degree. This is one third of a circle and is called a trine by astrologers. It is considered to be a very strong and usually benign angular relationship. However, the two planets Uranus and Neptune which came together in the early 1990's are still moving together through the same sign in 2001, that sign now being Aquarius. On Sept. 11, 2001 Neptune was in 6 degrees of Aquarius and 21 minutes and Uranus was in 21 degrees of Aquarius and 50 minutes. When two planets are in the same sign, the point halfway between them, the midpoint, is very important. That point on Sept. 11 was 14 degrees of Aquarius and 6 minutes. That position is 120 degrees from both the Mercury and rising degree position and from Saturn. This makes an equilateral triangle in the zodiac which is called a Grand Trine. Where the simple trine is considered benign, the grand trine is not so. It is a very strange and difficult aspect. Mercury signifies an announcement or message, and has to do with transportation. Saturn indicates restriction and separation. It also is traditionally said to have rulership over falling buildings and ruins. Uranus means sudden or surprising events, while Neptune indicates weakness, hidden matters, things that are not out in the open. The entire combination could be read as something like this: A sudden event which manifests coming out of something secret having to do with restrictions, or possibly with falling buildings, also involving transportation. This chart has Libra rising which means that Saturn in Gemini is the ninth sign away counting the rising sign as the first. [4] The ninth sign has to do with foreign places or persons and Gemini is also strongly associated with Mercury the planet rising. So we get transportation involved in several ways but also connected with foreign persons or places, and with a sudden manifestation of something secret. These combinations can be read in many ways but they all pertain very well to the events of Sept. 11. How does this relate to the chart of July 4, 1776? At 5:10 PM on that date Saturn was at 14 degrees of Libra and 48 minutes, exactly on the rising degree and Mercury of the first plane crash at the World Trade Center and tied in with our grand trine. Saturn in the 5:10 PM chart is in the sign of the Midheaven or culminating degree and therefore pertains to the government and its responsibilities. It has a strong connection (called rulership) with the second sign-house of the chart, Capricorn, which has to do with money and economics. Here we can see the rather difficult economic effect that this is all having on our country. What will be the long-range effect of all of this on our country? That is the subject of another article in this book.
[1] Transcript from the Journals Of The Continental Congress, 1774-1789. Vol. V as quoted by Ronald W. Howland, A Chonology of American Charts (Brighton, U.K.: Poz Publications, 1998), 201. This book is far and away the best piece of research on the issue of the Declaration of Independence and is certainly one of the best sources for charts on U.S. history in general. I say this even though I disagree with his conclusions about the time of the chart.
[2] See previous note.
[3] Howland argues for the late morning based on his reading of the Transcript plus a letter from Franklin and three other delegates which indicates that instructions were received for the defense of New Jersey and Pennsylvania in the morning.
In the transcript there are two resolutions that pertain to this issue. One of them was made before the Declaration's adoption and the other was made afterwards. The second resolution sounds very much like the instructions referred to in the letter from Franklin et al which were given "in the morning." On this basis the Declaration would have had to be adopted at around 11:00 AM. Howland supports this time with a very sophisticated argument based on other charts that are important in the history of English speaking nations. However, the first resolution made before the Declaration is rather similar in nature to the second and actually uses a peculiar phrase that is also found in the letter from Franklin et al. This phrase is "flying camp" a military term of the time. I think that Howland's historical evidence can be read either way, but that Franklin's letter could actually have been a reference to the time of first resolution combined with the contents of the second since both resolutions clearly refer to the same issue. This interpretation of the evidence allows the possibility of the later afternoon times for which there is considerable evidence. See Howland, 202-210.
[4] At this point in my astrological studies I have settled on the use of signs as what are normally called houses. This system is called Whole Sign Houses and is the oldest of all such house systems. It was the only house system used in Classical times and is still the most common one in Hindu Astrology. We count houses as signs from the rising sign such that every house consists of exactly one sign of the zodiac from beginning to end. See my book Whole Sign Houses (Reston, VA: ARHAT, 2000).
The preceding article is an excerpt from Llewellyn's latest book, "Civilization Under Attack: September 11, 2001, & Beyond" by Llewellyn Worldwide (c) 1991. Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. PO Box 64383, St. Paul, MN 55164. All rights reserved.
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